Massachusetts Snow Caused Roof Collapse Personal Injury Attorney

It is hard to imagine that a fluffy light snowfall followed by significantly heavy rains has the potential of collapsing a roof. However, harsh winter storms in Massachusetts (MA) that produce significant snowfall create hazards to roofing systems that are not designed to carry excessive weight. When snow is allowed to accumulate, it can generate weight loads far beyond the building’s capacity to hold together. The roof’s structure can collapse without warning, instantly placing all occupants in grave danger.

Flat roofing systems on poorly insulated commercial buildings in Massachusetts have the greatest potential of a collapse from accumulated snow and ice. This is because the snow can quickly pile up on a flat roof due to its inability to slide off. Once the structure has reached its “snow and ice load” capacity during the storm, it can weaken and collapse.

When the rains come after a significant snowfall, they can easily produce ice dams on the roof. Because of that, property owners and tenants must take preventative steps to avoid a roof collapse. The step should include:

• Take notice of any large snowdrift or snow buildup on a roof, especially flat roofs or those with a slight pitch like on a porch, carport or garage.
• Remove accumulated snow on the roof from a safe position on the ground, taking steps to avoid using metal tools that might contact electrical power lines
• Never remove snow from a ladder because of the potential of the steps becoming icy while you work
• Ensure that the flat roof drainage system is clear to lower the potential of roof ponding as snow melts or during heavy rains
• Clear away the storm drain in the street along the curb to minimize the potential of water draining into the basement

Catastrophic Injuries and Disastrous Consequences in Massachusetts and Rhode Island

When a roof collapses due to the heavy weight of snow and built-up ice, it often creates disastrous consequences with catastrophic injuries. When roofs on a residential home in MA or commercial building including supermarkets, shopping malls, restaurants and offices collapse, it can easily strike occupants causing serious injuries. Some of these injuries include:

• Brain hemorrhaging
• Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
• Spinal cord injury
• Neck fracture
• Fractured vertebrae
• Traumatic eye injury causing complete or partial blindness
• Skull fracture and facial lacerations
• Broken nose
• Broken arms and hands
• Disfigurement

Filing of Premises Liability Claim in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Premises liability laws govern civil rules and procedures for individuals suffering injury or death as a result of a roof collapse in a commercial building or private home. This is because property owners in MA have a legal responsibility to provide a safe environment for all visitors and occupants. When it can be shown that negligence allowed the accumulation of excessive ice and snow, the property owner, manager, occupant, tenant or others might be legally liable to victims with injuries or damages.

A residential or commercial landlord or property owner in Massachusetts can be held legally responsible if they knew, or had a reasonable expectation of knowing, that heavy accumulated snow threatened others with a collapsing roof on their premises.

Hiring a MA Roof Collapse Injury Attorney

Mass. Premises liability laws are complex. Seeking compensation from a roof collapse snow accident in Boston requires a comprehensive understanding of state tort law. Because of that, many victims injured in a roof collapse will hire a m Boston personal injury attorney who specializes in Massachusetts premise liability cases.

A reputable MA law firm can file a claim or lawsuit on behalf of the victim and assist them in seeking financial compensation to recover medical bills, lost wages, disability, pain and suffering. Most of these types of Massachusetts personal injury cases are accepted on a contingency fee basis to avoid payment of any upfront fees for legal services.

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