Tips after a MA Car Accident

Tips for drivers involved in a Massachusetts Car, Motorcycle or truck Accident.

1) Do not admit fault for the accident at the scene of the automobile accident.
2) If there was a whiplash to your body never tell the cops that you are ok and not injured. When there is a whiplash type injury, often back or neck pain does not manifest itself until days later. If you say you are not injured, it will be put into the police report and used by the Insurance Adjuster to try to devalue your potential claim for damages. If your asked by the police if you are injured: It is better to say something like your neck and back suffered a whiplash type motion and you currently are not feeling any pain from it but will have it evaluated by your doctor.
3) Take pictures of the vehicles and the scene before the cars are moved.
4) Focus on your safety. Make sure you get far out of the way of oncoming automobiles.
5) Seek Medical treatment if necessary as soon as possible. As far as the Insurance Company is concerned, If you are not treating you are not hurting.
6) Contact an experienced MA personal Injury Lawyer to get legal representation to get the best settlement possible.
7) Make sure you call the police immediately after the car crash and get the names and addresses of all witnesses.
8) Keep accurate records of all medical treatment including the dates of treatment and names and addresses of all chiropractors, physical therapists and medical doctors your treat with.

“A traffic collision, also known as a traffic accident, motor vehicle collision, motor vehicle accident, car accident, automobile accident, road traffic collision, wreck (USA), car crash, or car smash (Australian) occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree or utility pole. Traffic collisions may result in injury, death, vehicle damage, and property damage.” Wickepedia

David Slepkow helps clients in all Mass. Communities including Boston, New bedford, Swansea, Attleboro, Seekonk, Rehoboth, Canton, Stoughton, Dartmouth, Worcester, fall river etc.

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